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    Indigo Cloth Cushion - (184.2)

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    Usually the textile is woven by men and dyed by women. The indigo colour is obtained from plant sources (Indigofera plant and the indigo vine). The dried balls of crushed leaves are left to ferment before its mixed with an alkaline solution to produce the dye. 

    The cloth is repeatedly immersed into the dye to darken the colour. Afterwards the textile is hand beaten to fasten the colour. 

    Possibly the most recognizable form of indigo cloth from West Africa, this adire oniko textile was made by tying the cotton textile tightly in order to resist the dye in certain parts. The patterns are unmistakable and are attributed to the Yoruba of Nigeria. 


    NB: TO CLEAN- a very gentle HAND washing (NEVER MACHINE, on any setting) in cool water with a very gentle detergent works, but even then, dyes may not be colourfast.

    These cushions are made using strips of material stitched by hand.  They must be used gently and not heavily pulled against or you may get the seams of the unique strips splitting. If that happens you can sew them back but we cannot offer refunds or replacements if your cushion splits due to its usage.  Use them lightly! 

    Inner cushion included. 

    Size: 70x45cm