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  • Terrariums & Plants
  • Workshops
  • Botanical Boys x Harry Holding

    Botanical Boys have teamed up with award winning Harry Holding Garden Design to present a set of planting arrangements for your balcony and planters.  Harry is an inspirational designer developing strong designs which use local, sustainable materials and innovative planting schemes to create bold, immersive and enchanting spaces. A signature blend of the contemporary with the natural delivers a juxtaposition between built form and naturalistic planting, crafting gardens which inspire and charm.

    Please do contact us if you have a project in mind to: help@botanicalboys.com 

    Below is an example of a mood board designed for Botanical Boys by Harry:

    Meditation Palette : Trees, Schrubs


    Meditation Pallett : Tall and Structural

    Meditation Pallett : Medium Seasonal

    Meditation Pallet : Low & Ground Cover

    Meditation Pallett: Trailing Plants

    Entertainment Pallett: Trees & Schrubs

    Entertainment Pallet : Tall and Structural

    Entertainment Pallett : Medium Seasonal

    Entertainment Pallet : Low and Ground Cover

    Entertainment Pallett : Low & Ground Cover